Hello there, 2021!


Firstly we’d like to say a big “thank you” to all of our customers for their support since we launched in late December 2020. We smashed through our first 100 orders a heck of a lot faster than we’d ever anticipated, and we have the community to thank for helping us deliver on our mission to be the reliable, in-stock UK supplier for switch modding and other keyboard accessories! This sort of amazing response from the community has galvanised us to really focus on developing our offering and extending the amount of support we can offer you all.

Also, those of you had seen early posts or rummaged around on the site since we launched may notice the change in pronoun from “I” to “we” as well as the brand change from KeebLube UK to KeebCats UK. 

Well, there are now two Keeb Cats at your disposal. Myself, NorrittMTG, and as of a few weeks ago, drunken_sailor. This is a great step forward as with two of us we’re far better able to push things forward and make this a real presence in the UK Mechanical Keyboard community.

Periodically we’re going to be posting these updates to keep you all abreast of stock levels, recent developments and exciting new happenings on the horizon. We’ll break them down into sections so we can follow some sort of easily scannable template.


As of writing this message all lubes are in stock.

205g2 sold-out quite a lot sooner than we had anticipated. Fortunately, we were able to mobilise and we had a new batch land with us within a week of it selling out.

205g0 also sold faster than expected, but we still have a good stock level of packaged jars and another batch on the route so we don’t dip out of stock.

3203 will be restocked before the current stock sells out.

Vertrel XF Solvent is now in stock and has had its first order just minutes after being put online. A must have for cleaning away any of our other products.

Just a general reminder that the vision for our store is to be a reliably in stock supplier of products. We will always be working our model to allow us to restock items before they go out of stock. It will take some trial and error on our behalves to get things right, but we assure you we will be transparent, learn from any mistakes that crop up, and make things accessible for the community.

Recent Developments

With NorrittMTG tinkering away in his lab, we have had some prototypes back for acrylic lube stations of our own design, manufactured in the UK. We are currently making a few tweaks to dimensions before getting some prototypes in our hands. To gather some community feedback, we may give some lucky customers the opportunity to get their hands on the stations and feedback directly to the design of the station, keep your eye out for more info coming soon...

As mentioned above, drunken_sailor is now a KeebCat. I (hello 👋) was introduced into the world of higher end keyboards by NorrittMTG, and my bank balance was never the same again… Starting my journey with some Cherry MX Reds in an off-the-shelf keeb, it’s safe to say I’m consumed by the hobby and feel privileged have a hand in moulding the keyboard community in the UK.

I prefer all things 60%, and unlike NorrittMTG, I’m team ISO.

On the Horizon

The Group Buys for the KBD8xMKII, KBDPAD MKII, KBD67 MKII and Pizza65 plates are confirmed with the manufacturer and they’ve given us an estimated shipping date of Feb 3rd. This means we are still on track for a mid-February dispatch, and we will update you fine folks when we know more. There will be a handful of extras listed once QC has completed and GB orders have shipped which we will announce in due course.

Adding some accessories to our inventory, a stock of switch pullers, stem grabbers, brushes, tweezers and switch openers are on their way from our suppliers and should arrive from early February.

We’ll be listing our own 60% and 65% tray mount plates with flex cuts in mid-February, once again designed by the wizardous NorrittMTG. The plates will be available in black FR4 and woven carbon fibre.

Designed with the philosophy of offering enough layout support to satisfy the majority of people without sacrificing plate integrity, we’re incredibly excited for the community to get their builds going with the plates.

We’re also in talks with some mighty UK designers regarding a 60% and 65% PCB to go alongside the plates, an exciting time for all!

With a look ahead to our baseline offerings, we intend to stock a variety of springs and films.  Whilst these are a top priority for us to expand our switch modification products, we need to build up to a fairly large order so we don’t just sell out immediately. Once we have a firm idea of when we’ll be stocking up, we’ll let you all know.

And for the final announcement… drumroll... KeebCats is very excited to announce that we will be the UK vendor for the CableCarDesigns Angel keyboard. A pin-mounted 65% keeb designed by one of the UK’s finest designers. We’ll be shooting out more info soon, but for now keep up to date on the geekhack thread & in the CableCarDesigns' Discord.


Once again, thank you folks for all your support so far. We are very fortunate to be able to fill the gaps the community faces, and we aspire to be your go-to shop for all your keeby-needs.

Spread the word and stay safe,

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